"There are two types of programmers: good programmers, and those that are not Jon Skeet."

My "tech persona" for the last 16 years...

Appeared at:

Work In Progress 2 - A Documentary by KOM and Samuel Durand exploring the Future of Work within companies


"Pedro Vicente takes us down memory lane from the early days of Android app development all the way up to 2020 and the modern application development strategies and frameworks."


Online footprint

For a few years I was quite active on StackOverflow. It's kind of fun sharing knowledge and helping.
It ended up gaining me ~18k rep so far.

I guess from sharing at StackOverflow I jumped to sharing more in-depth articles at Medium

Open sourced is something I always enjoyed. 

Now working on some awesome Mindera mobile-related open source projects.

Been a teacher at:

Invited Lecturer of Mobile Communications Computer Science Engineering Degree  

2017 to 2019

Been a teacher/tutor from Mindera School's get go on 2018.
Teaching basic programming, Java and Mobile.

2018 to 2020

What I really have to show for:

2016 onwards 


Account Owner & Architect  


2024 onwards

KingFisher Mobile Apps

Tech Lead 

B&Q - Android & iOS App  / TradePoint - Android & iOS App

2022 - 2024

New Look Mobile Apps

Tech Lead 

Android & iOS Apps

2021 - 2022

Waitrose - Scan Pay Go Admin App (Internal App)

Delivery Lead


FeedForward - Android, iOS and Web  Feedback Platform

Internship Oversight



BE Developer (Integrations)


Smartbox Mobile Apps

Tech Lead - Android & iOS Apps

2019 - 2020

& Account Owner

2020 - 2023

ColorAdd Apps

Tech Oversight - Android & iOS


Ravelin's Android  Mobile SDK

Tech Oversight - Android SDK


Waitrose Android App

Tech Lead - Android App

2016 - 2019

Mindera People - Android App

Internship Tutor


Not On The High Street App

Tech Oversight- Android App



Android App Dev & Lead App Dev


PORTER Magazine by NET-A-PORTER Android App

Android App Dev


The Edit Magazine by NET-A-PORTER Android App

Android App Dev



Vodafone Backup+ Android App

Android App Dev & Architect

2015 - 2016

Vodafone Cloud Android App

Android App Dev


Joyn - RCS Android App

Android App Dev


Vodafone Usage Based Insurance

Lead Android App Dev


EDP Comercial Android App

Support Android App Dev


One Net Android App

Lead Android App Dev


ActivoBank Android App

Support Android App Dev


My Vodafone: Android App, SOS Mobile App, BlackBerry App and Mobile Website

Lead Android & Blackberry App also Lead Front End Dev

2010 - 2013

MBPhone Android App

Lead Android App Dev


Vodafone 360 Mobile JS Widgets

Front-End  Dev


Vodafone TV Net Voz BackOffice

Backend Dev


Vodacom BackOffice

Backend Dev


...what now?

I could introduce myself, speak about my learning degree or experience but you can see all that above ... so lets skip that and get to the point.

What you can't see is that I'm a driven software engineer with a deep interest in Software Development that really puts a focus on architecture. I really have pleasure in building happy teams, talking to customers and provide them with the best solution for their needs while delivering good code.

I've seen that Software Developing Teams can enjoy the process of developing a solution by using good agile software development methodologies.

For this to happen developers, team leaders, product owners/project manager should work closely together towards better solution. As such, I'm always interested in learning more:

Creating top-notch software isn't just done by getting together a bunch of  people and tell them to start hitting the keyboard in a crazy nerd movie style (wink to the Matrix image above).

I value a strong human-first company culture. I believe it can either push a company towards innovation and excellence (if it's good)... OR push it off the cliff, if it's not.

I also value procedures and freedom (yes, agile, procedure and freedom in the same sentence are possible). When things get tricky each team should be able to opt to maintain their current way of doing things or change to a better one (but they should have a "current way of doing things")

I really like:

- Being an account manager  throughout the process (pre-sales, requirements, development, roadmap and acceptance)

- Leading Mobile Projects from Architecture to day-to-day 

- Coaching teams (development process, feedback, etc)