Why, How, What!
Why "neteinstein.org"?
Well, actually "neteinstein" is a username I use since I was very young (it was actually the lamer NeTeInStEiN version... 😬).
During 1999 IRC was "the thing". I started at Dalnet and then moved to PTnet. Finding a free username wasn't very easy. I was very fond of Einstein but it was taken, so... I ended up with this one. Since it was available in (almost) every platform I continued using it... until today I guess.
Why Google Sites?
I just wanted something fast, simple and easy to update. It's quite limited, but I'm not building a rocket ship 🚀 (here at least!)
Why English and not Portuguese?
It's a habit, I guess. I spend my working day speaking and writing in English... and I got used to it. So I end up writing in English everything that is work related.
Don't get me wrong, I do really like to write in Portuguese, but since this has a lot of work/tech parts, I decided to leave it this way.
Why Gifs?
I don't take myself too serious. We're all going to die anyway, so don't be too stiff about life. You'll have much more fun!
Why are you so beautiful?
I was just born this way 💥
Why, then How and finally What! 👌
Why not?