I've been speaking for so long... I still had hair when I started! 

Tech is life, but life is much more than tech... and so are my talks, scroll down to check some examples!

Company Culture

Is this real life, or just fantasy… open your eyes @ Open Day - Mindera 2022

Why do we use technology to build products we are proud of, with people we love? @ Tech Jobs Fair 2021

Employer Branding for IT Talent by Toni Gimeno Solans 2020

Tech talks

Once Upon a time... a Multiplatform, multi-tenant challenge @ Droidcon Lisbon 2023 - Slides

Don't Make Android Bad Again @ Commit Porto 2018 - Video

Don't Make Android Bad Again @ Commit Porto 2018 - Slides

Kotlin'ize your app @ GDG DevFest Coimbra 2017 - Slides

Android's Warp Pipe @ GDG DevFest Lisboa 2016 - Slides

Non-tech Talks

Feedback  @ Agile Connect 2020 - Slides

Walkabout @ TEDxCoimbra 2012 - Slides

Walkabout @ TEDxCoimbra 2012 - Video

Artigo sobre a talk disponível aqui.

Walkabout  @ Colégio das Caldinhas 2013 - Slides

A more exhaustive list...


May @ Mindera Event (London Office) - How to create a winning mobile commerce strategy in 2024 #Tech

Jan @ Mindera Event  (Porto Office) - Once Upon a time... a Multiplatform, multi-tenant challenge (KMP) #Tech


Oct @ Porto Tech Hub - Once Upon a time... a Multiplatform, multi-tenant challenge (KMP) #Tech

Sep @ Droidcon Lisbon - Once Upon a time... a Multiplatform, multi-tenant challenge (KMP) #Tech

Mar @ A'Corda - How to build a great team & maintain it #Teams #Feedback  


Nov @ JornISTT - Jornadas do Internato do ACES Santo Tirso/Trofa - What is a Team? How to give Feedback?  #Teams #Feedback  

Nov @ Câmara do Porto - Talento e Promoção da Empregabilidade - Interculturalidade de equipas #Teams 

Nov @ A'Corda - How to build a great team & maintain it #Teams #Feedback  

Apr @ Mindera Open Day - Is this real life, or just fantasy… open your eyes #CompanyCulture


Oct  @ Tech Jobs Fair 2021 - Why do we use technology to build products we are proud of, with people we love? #CompanyCulture

Feb @ CREU - Feedback Workshop (for collaborators) #Teams #Feedback

Feb @ Mindera - Feedback Workshop (Internal) #Teams #Feedback

Jan @ Colégio das Caldinhas- "Falo com estranhos na net" (Education on internet usage for kids) #Education


Mar @ Toni Gimeno Solans - Employer Branding for IT Talent #CompanyCulture

Oct @ Agile Connect - Feedback - with a deck of cards and a pile of emotions #Teams #Feedback


Oct @ Inigo - Teams and Tech Tools: How to improve #Teams #Feedback

Set @ A'Corda - How to build a team #Teams #Feedback

Jul @ Inigo - Teams and Tech Tools: How to improve - #Teams #Feedback

Apr @ FEUP - Work (at Mindera)  #Tech

Mar @ Talkdesk - Row Row Row Your Code (RxJava 2)  #Tech


Jun @ Commit Porto - Don't Make Android Bad Again  #Tech


Nov  @ GDG DevFest Coimbra - Kotlin'ize your app  #Tech

Oct  @ Mindera - Kotlin 101 Workshop  #Tech

May @ Colégio da Imaculada Conceição - Career Paths #Education #Career


Set  @ GDG DevFest Lisboa - Android's Warp Pipe  #Tech


Nov @ Campinácios - How to lead a Summer Camp #Leadership

Nov  @ Thing Pink/GDG Porto - Android Craftsmanship #Tech

Feb  @ WIT Academy - Maps & Location on Android #Tech


Nov @ Campinácios - Summer Camp 101 #Leadership

May @ FEUP - Work (at WIT) #CompanyCulture


Jul @ WIT Tech Talks - Android: Performance and Optimization #Tech

Apr @ Colégio das Caldinhas - Walkabout (for High School students)  #Life #Education


Nov @ JSD Coimbra - Palcos politikos (Invited speaker) #Politics

May @ Campinácios - Leadership #Leadership


Mar @  DEI/UC - The green robot comes to life - Android #Tech


Dec  @ WIT Help - Casa Abrigo - #Charity

Oct @ TEDxCoimbra - Walkabout #Life

May @  DEI/UC- Android? (Invited lecturer)  #Tech


Nov @ WIT Tech Talks - Google Wave #Tech